Thursday, May 19, 2011

My sister's keeper. Key moments.

I really enjoyed reading “My Sister Keeper” I taught the book was very interesting and dealt with Kate’s diagnoses very well. However this is not the book I started with. I began to read “Never let me go” but I didn’t feel that that was the book for me. I only changed books recently so havn’t finished the book yet but these are the key moments I’ve picked so far.

The opening scene.

In the opening scene of the book we are introduced to Anna a thirteen year old girl who describes what is was like for her to grow up. We find out for her it was a lot different than us. She explains how she was conceived and why. From this scene I feel she has been hurt in finding out she was “made” and she feels most pregnancies are UN planned or the consequence of silly mistakes. I chose this scene because this is where we learn about her sister Kate who has a rare form of Leukemia and how Anna was conceived to save Kate’s life by acting as a donor. Anna was genetically created so that she could be the perfect match for Kate. In this opening scene we also learn about her sisters Kate’s current medical condition and how she needs a kidney from Anna.

Kate's diagnoses.

The next key moment in the book is when we learn all about how Kate got diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia. In this scene the doctors test Jese Kate’s older brother to see if he is a matching donor. We see that after one little finger prick Jese is crying with the pain all while Kate has already started her first session of Keamotheorpy. In this scene I think we forget how young the two children are going through this crisis. I chose this as a major key moment because we learn about why Anna was conceived, because none of the family members were match’s for Kate and to have an unrelated donor is extremely risky.

Filing the lawsuit.

The next major key moment in the book is when Anna went to the lawyer’s office to file the lawsuit. Anna has been saving up for this lawyer for ages but it was taking to long but Anna goes to the lawyer’s office in the hopes that he will take on her case. At first the lawyer doesn’t take Anna seriously and he thinks this is a joke but he soon realizes that she really wants to sue her parent for the right of her own body and so he decides that he will take on her case. This is a key moment because I realized that Anna doesn’t want to be a donor for her sister anymore and that she is actually quite angry with her parents for putting her through all that pain. We also find out that Anna has clearly thought about this for a while because she is confident and has clearly revised and learned everything about this man and all his past cases. She is very determined to win this case even though the consequences of winning could mean her sister dies and possibly she gets kicked out of her home. This shows us how strong a person Anna is and even though filing a lawsuit like this might seem extremely selfish and mean we see how mature she is.

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