Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Referee Course in Naas

Today I went to Naas G.A.A for a referee course which was great fun as well as learning loads of the camoige rules. I made friends with loads of girls from other clubs and then we did a few dramas too show whats aloud and not aloud in camoige and as a referee how too deal with it. We then did a quick test which was very easy and we are now half way to being qualified as a Referee. It was a good day and i cant wait too start refing a few matchs :)

Monday the 15th.

Yesterday was our first day back from work experience and we headed off on another workshop in naas for mini company. It was a very successful day there and we learnt how too write up our reports it was great fun as well. we were also shown how too approach our customers and how too act with conflict. After our day in the Moat theatre we went to Mc Donalds for lunch which was lovely I was glad of that lunch and had great fun1

Work Experience in Space Prosperous

On Thursday morning i was up bright and early at 7:00 too get ready for my first day working in Space. I was really excited.when I got to Space i began my day with a hour ion the office then I went down too the shop floor where I met my supervisor and I began to unpack the christmas order and put it out in the shop floor. It was hard work finding room for everything and making sure it looked good. I then had too clean up after it which took ages. I then got a new task. It was too put up and decorate a christmas tree with lights and some of the christmas stock for pets. I was realrly happy with the results of my tree i taught it looked great!
On Friday there was an official opening of the christmas shop so all day friday we were preparing for the great night ahead. I left work earlier so i could get home and change for the night when I went back it wasnt long before the shop was absolutly PACKED with people it was VERY busy and i was just packing bags for the girls at the till to keep the tills moving fast. Over all i had a great work Experience with a variety of tasks.

Work Experience in the Army

On Tuesday morning I arrived in the Curragh Camp at half 9. We then all hopped into a army van and drove down to the Glen of the Imeall were we watched the cadets do a platoon attack exam which was great we got too run around with them. We then took a break and went back too the caverly school where they showed us all the tanks and explained them all it was great and I just wish i had of brought my camara that day :(. Then On Friday we went too the communications school and got too use all the radios and see how they work we then went too the artillery where they showed us all the guns and how to load them all after that talk they brought us down to show us them and let us hold them and try load them ourselves. We also got too try on all the gear which was really heavy and the bags were VERY VERY heavy. We then went to the gym and swimming pool which was great in the gym we watched the fitness test that you have to do before getting into the army and in the swimming pool we did some fun excercises and we went in the plunge pool. After the plunge pool we had fun in shallow pool and played some water polo.

Work Experience on Monday Morning

Last Week in TY we were away on work experience it was great crack i was in the army for two days and the rest was in Space Prosperous and another day in Kildare Builders Providers. On Monday i worked in a office for Kildare Builders Providers i had fun with the girls in the office i did some filing in the beginning to get into the swing of things then i got to ring some companys asking for copies of invoices and things like that. It was good experience and i really began too feel more comfortable talking on the phone and developed spme better comunicating skills which helped me further on in the week.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

English Workshop

This week in English we had a double class were we done a workshop to get us working as a team for our drama. We played a few fun games one was called "zip zap boing" it was really funny and very confusing. We then did some English exercises one was we had to pretend too be the person in the picture we got and write a quick story about them. Another one was we had to pretend we were some sort of object that the girls from class Eminet brought with them and then to write another quick story.


First week back after mid term and everyone is feeling great after the weeks rest. We have been having great fun in P.E this week because we now have two double classes. On tuesdays we now have a double rugby class and this week we played bench ball was great crack and on wednesday we now have a great dance class it was great fun and was brilliant at the end when we had a dance off.