Thursday, December 9, 2010

Dress up day for Christmas

Today was the christmas dress up day. It was great fun and every one really got into the festive holiday and dressed up. I put extra effort into my costume and dress up as a present which really showed as i won the parade along with Chloe Ruth and Stephanie our theme was Modern Christmas. We won a selecton box which went down a treat. I can't wait for the next dress up day as i really enjoyed this.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Junior camoige

Last week we also had a Camoige match. We left the school at 11 o clock and got on all our gear and done a quick warm up only to be disappointed by the park ranger who told us due the the weather conditions we would not be aloud play on the pitch. We were all very unpest and returned too the bus and were then told we could play so we ran back out and gave a greta fight only too be disappointed with a small defeat however we are still in the league and will play our next match much better.

Soccer match

Last week we had our very first soccer match of the year and for me was my first soccer match ever. It was a tough game against Clane in their home grounds. We did our best and I think we played very good as a team but unfortunately came home with a disappointing result of 2-1 too them. How and ever I really enjoyed it and am defiantly going too stick with it.

Religon - advent reaths

In religion this week we made advent reaths. We all brought in an oasis. greenery candels and any other things we wanted too add like ribbons. I really enjoyed making them as it is something i do every year with my nanny. They all turned out brilliantly and the room looked very festive. As we were making them ms. K.B played christmas songs and we were all really enjoying it.

Pod casting workshop :)

Last Friday in school we had a pod casting workshop in the afternoon. It was really fun we learnt about what a pod cast is and how to make them. We then got in too groups of 6 or 7 and mad our own pod cast. This involved making a script and recording it. Our pod cast was a comedy. It was a show hosted by two old women and too completely different characters arguing over the sayings tea time and time for tea and which is right. I think it was a success and i rwally enjoyed the day.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Referee Course in Naas

Today I went to Naas G.A.A for a referee course which was great fun as well as learning loads of the camoige rules. I made friends with loads of girls from other clubs and then we did a few dramas too show whats aloud and not aloud in camoige and as a referee how too deal with it. We then did a quick test which was very easy and we are now half way to being qualified as a Referee. It was a good day and i cant wait too start refing a few matchs :)

Monday the 15th.

Yesterday was our first day back from work experience and we headed off on another workshop in naas for mini company. It was a very successful day there and we learnt how too write up our reports it was great fun as well. we were also shown how too approach our customers and how too act with conflict. After our day in the Moat theatre we went to Mc Donalds for lunch which was lovely I was glad of that lunch and had great fun1

Work Experience in Space Prosperous

On Thursday morning i was up bright and early at 7:00 too get ready for my first day working in Space. I was really excited.when I got to Space i began my day with a hour ion the office then I went down too the shop floor where I met my supervisor and I began to unpack the christmas order and put it out in the shop floor. It was hard work finding room for everything and making sure it looked good. I then had too clean up after it which took ages. I then got a new task. It was too put up and decorate a christmas tree with lights and some of the christmas stock for pets. I was realrly happy with the results of my tree i taught it looked great!
On Friday there was an official opening of the christmas shop so all day friday we were preparing for the great night ahead. I left work earlier so i could get home and change for the night when I went back it wasnt long before the shop was absolutly PACKED with people it was VERY busy and i was just packing bags for the girls at the till to keep the tills moving fast. Over all i had a great work Experience with a variety of tasks.

Work Experience in the Army

On Tuesday morning I arrived in the Curragh Camp at half 9. We then all hopped into a army van and drove down to the Glen of the Imeall were we watched the cadets do a platoon attack exam which was great we got too run around with them. We then took a break and went back too the caverly school where they showed us all the tanks and explained them all it was great and I just wish i had of brought my camara that day :(. Then On Friday we went too the communications school and got too use all the radios and see how they work we then went too the artillery where they showed us all the guns and how to load them all after that talk they brought us down to show us them and let us hold them and try load them ourselves. We also got too try on all the gear which was really heavy and the bags were VERY VERY heavy. We then went to the gym and swimming pool which was great in the gym we watched the fitness test that you have to do before getting into the army and in the swimming pool we did some fun excercises and we went in the plunge pool. After the plunge pool we had fun in shallow pool and played some water polo.

Work Experience on Monday Morning

Last Week in TY we were away on work experience it was great crack i was in the army for two days and the rest was in Space Prosperous and another day in Kildare Builders Providers. On Monday i worked in a office for Kildare Builders Providers i had fun with the girls in the office i did some filing in the beginning to get into the swing of things then i got to ring some companys asking for copies of invoices and things like that. It was good experience and i really began too feel more comfortable talking on the phone and developed spme better comunicating skills which helped me further on in the week.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

English Workshop

This week in English we had a double class were we done a workshop to get us working as a team for our drama. We played a few fun games one was called "zip zap boing" it was really funny and very confusing. We then did some English exercises one was we had to pretend too be the person in the picture we got and write a quick story about them. Another one was we had to pretend we were some sort of object that the girls from class Eminet brought with them and then to write another quick story.


First week back after mid term and everyone is feeling great after the weeks rest. We have been having great fun in P.E this week because we now have two double classes. On tuesdays we now have a double rugby class and this week we played bench ball was great crack and on wednesday we now have a great dance class it was great fun and was brilliant at the end when we had a dance off.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Dress up day for halloween

Today in school we had a dress up day and me and stephanie smart and bebhinn dressed up as babies. Me and steph got picked to repersent our class in the school parade which will be held at lunch time today. Everybody looks great today in their different themed costumes. 1st to 3rd years are haunted houses, ty's and 5ths years asre scary movies and the 6th years are harry potter. The day is a great sucsess and all money raised went to a good cause.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Mini company workshop

This week on thursday we went to naas for a mini company workshop. The day was a great sucsess and by the end of the day me and my group had come up with a completly new and better idea and we are now in the middle of our market research so we are flying ahead. We hope that by the end of the midterm we will have our prototype made and possibly have the product up and running.

Colour me Beautiful

This week on Tuesday we had two ladies come in from the colour me beautiful programme who came in and gave us a talk on the colours that suit us best. They chose the colours that suit us best according to our personality, skin tone, hair colour and eye colour. I was told i was a "soft style" this means that all the greens and oranges suit us best. I was delighted with my result as i love all the colours that were chosen for me. They then went on too body shapes and sizes. They told us how too wear clothes that would suit us best and how to wear them. they also told us that the colours we wore really portraid how we felt on that day. The day really helped me and I will now be more careful when shopping in stores.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Kravica Waterfall

In geography today I  was doing some reserach on Bosnia when I came across some lovely waterfalls. They are called the Kravica Waterfalls and are very beautiful heres a link too the website I found with some beautiful pictures. See here.

Ty week 6

In tech on tuesday morning we began our practical work after all our theory Mr. walsh finally taught we were ready too start making our keyrings. We are almost finished our keyrings so hopefully we will be ready too make our key shaped key holder.
In pastoral care this tuesday Ms. K.B done some hand massages with us too help us relaxed. first of all she gave us the recipe for our oil. She used sweet almond oil and lemon grass. It had a lovely fresh smell to it and is also suposed too help with your concentration levels. We then began to massage our own hands it was very relaxing. but the best bit was relaxing and messaging the head and ear lobes.
In home ec Me and my group have almost finished our dress we have finished the paper mashé top and are now currently ranaging the skrit with chicken wire and old newspapers it should be quite spectacular.
In doulble epe we got in rugby coaches to train us it was great crack aswell as very hard work. We began doing some warm ups then went in to some drills and finally had a small tournement which my team one.
In mini company we came up with our idea and are now deciding on our name, slogan and logo. It is hard work getting something everyone agrees on but when its all put together it should be good and hopefully we sell lots of them.

First camoige match of the season

On Monday this week we had our first senior camoige match of the season after our weeks of intense training. We were given home atvantage against Loreto College in crumlin who gave up a great fight and fortunately we came out on top with an amazing victory of 6:6 to 1:3. It was a fabulous way to start the week and camoige season.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Ty geography fact

In geography this year we are doing a virtual trip around the world. I chose to do the second world country Bosnia. While i was doing this project i learnt lots. I read all about the Bosnian war and how the country was bombed. These bombs left big cracks in the concrete paths which were later filled in with red concrete and now look like roses in the ground.
                                                                   this picture is from google images

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ty week 5 :).

This week in ty has been good. We came in too some very good news on Monday morning, as we excepted our class won the fun run dance competition. We danced to s club 7’s song reach. We all dressed up in yellow and had a great time.    On Monday in music we had a singing class we all had too stand up and sing a chant we learnt it was really good but difficult to sing. We broke off into different groups and had to sing at the same time. It was great crack.    In technology we are designing a formula one car for a competition our teacher entered us into. I cant wait to get working on our car.    In English we are doing a play. Our play is based on the poem “but you didn’t” by Meryl glass. We all got our parts for the play and me and my group are working on getting the costumes for the play.    In p.e We are getting in two rugby coaches every Wednesday to teach us how to play tag rugby. It is so much fun but real hard work.    In history we got assigned groups and are now working on projects for the 3rd years. I am doing a presentation on the Vietnam war. I hope it helps our third years in their studies for the junior cert.

Ty blog 4 :)

Week four has been great. It’s friendship week here in st. wolstans and we have been preparing all week for our class dance which we have too perform for the school tomorrow, Friday the 24th. We are doing out dance too s club 7’s song reach. It is going too be great. Our years colour is yellow so we all are wearing yellow t-shirts tomorrow. We all brought in 2 euros as well which is going towards the local st. Vincent’s de pauls charity.
On Mondays 20th we had a mini company workshop. She talked too us about what we had to do for our mini company and what we will have to do if we want to win the competition. We got into groups and had too come up with as many ideas as we could it was real good practice for coming up with our real idea.
Week four in ty has been a great week so far.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

week 3

Ty Blog J
Week 3
Week 3 in TY has been amazing.
Monday morning up nice and early too head off to Carlingford. We arrived in carling for at 9 o clock got changed quickly and headed straight out too our first activity, the high ropes. It was amazing we had too all wear a harness and then climb up a wooden pole too the top where there was a small platform where four of us had two try stand on it.
Thenthere was the jacobs ladder which was like one giant ladder and we had to use each other too try climb up the ladder to the top.
Then we went canoeing which was great fun we went in doubles and had too canoe over too the other side of the sea where we played a few quick games before sailing back too go pier jumping.
that evening after tea we went for an evening hike up the mountains. It was great fun going up in the rain and wind in pitch black.
The next morning we were woken at 8 a.m for some orienteering up the mountain. after that we went straight too archery where we done a few challenges before heading back too our rooms.
Our final activity was the challenge course. This was where we were giving little mini challenges too complete as a team and after that we were giving little gems the winning team were the people with the most gems. My favourite challenge in it was the maze this was were we were sent into a 60 foot container and inside was a 3 level wooden maze which we had too crawl around in the pitch black on our hands and knees and tried too find the exit.

Week 2

Ty Blog
Week 2
Week two of ty going great. Getting into all the classes now and have been assigned all our projects. Can’t wait too finish them and see everybody’s final product.
In Tuesdays home ec class we began too design our home ec outfits. Going good so far we have most of our materials and are already sowing the trousers.
In Thursdays double class of mini company we were assigned out groups and the ideas began too flow. Going to be hard work running the company but defiantly worth it in the end.
In science we all got into our groups for the young scientist and came up with our ideas. Me and my group decided to do the affects of caffeine on out body.
In religion we are now working on the 8 millennium goals. We were put into groups of 5 and my group worked on M.D.G 3 which is gender equality. In doing our poster I learned that over 1.5 billion people are illiterate in the world and of that 1.5 billion, 1 billion of them are women.

Week 1

TY blog J
Week 1
So far I’m loving it. Got put into our classes this week and introduced too all our new teachers and classes. I’m in class Amina which means truth and honesty.
We are now working on our home ec project which we have too transform a plain white outfit into some amazing outfit and then model it cant wait for it.
We also are entering the young scientist exhibition we are in teams and all have too come up with science experiment should be really good hope we go far in it.
 We also had our first mini company class were our teacher, Ms. Evans explained the whole competition too us I can’t wait too get started on it. She showed us a view dvds on previous years.
In music we are planning on making a ty CD were we all set up a small group and put our musical interests together and record it.